Monument Installation

All markers, monuments, or other appurtenances used to designate burial spaces or graves in the City Cemetery must be made of bronze, granite or marble. The marker, monument or appurtenance shall be nor larger than the plot and shall be no taller than four (4) feet from the ground level. All monuments shall be installed in the City Cemetery by the licensed funeral home responsible for the internment in accordance with the City specification established for monument placement. The City Administrator or designee will have the right to refuse the placement of any item on a grave site if the City Administrator or designee finds that the item does not comply with this Ordinance or is such poor quality that it will hinder the maintenance of the area around the plot by City staff.

If a non-conforming monument existing in the City Cemetery is removed after this Ordinance is enacted, the owner may only replace the monument that conforms with the section of the City Cemetery Code.